Financial Planning Education for Your Stage in Life

We’ve heard from physicians at various career stages — medical students, residents, fellows, young physicians, late career physicians — that financial planning education, relevant to their particular life stage, would be a valuable tool.

The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED), in collaboration with The Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society, now has three webinars available.

The webinars were presented by Tom Rowan, CLU, ChFC CLTC, President of Rowan Associates, who has more than 35 years of experience in the financial services industry. Mr. Rowan frequently speaks to medical societies about financial topics pertinent to physicians.


  • Strategies for Life’s Financial Decisions (geared toward medical students and first and second year residents)
  • Financial Planning for New Physicians (geared toward third to fifth year residents and physicians in their first 5 years to 10 years of practice)
  • 10  Keys to Help Keep, Protect, Control and Distribute Your Wealth (geared toward physicians in the later stage of their practice)

What other education would you like to see from PAMED? Email us at to let us know.