Transitioning to part-time practice is an emerging trend in the medical profession. The decision to work part time is one that impacts both the physician wanting to reduce his or her hours and the practice as a whole. It often involves some controversy, especially if the practice doesn’t have a transition plan.
The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) recently published “Part-Time Arrangements for Physicians: Information for the Physician and the Practice,” as an educational resource for physicians and their practices.
This publication includes a checklist physicians should consider when they are thinking about transitioning to part-time work, including how many hours a week they plan to work, their responsibilities, how it will affect their patients, practice, compensation, and benefits, and more.
It discusses the best way for a physician to approach his or her practice about the desire to work part time, and the importance of having a transition plan in place to avoid a crisis when a physician requests to go part time.
There may be a need to adjust the practice’s compensation system when a physician transitions to a part-time schedule. This publication includes a helpful chart allowing each partner to provide input on what factors are most important to them when determining compensation. The surveys are then aggregated to determine what’s most important to the group as a whole.
To order a hard copy of this publication, use our online store.
The American Medical Association has predicted that by 2020, we will need between 85,000 to 200,000 more physicians than the existing pipeline can produce. Because of projected physician shortages, medical practices and other health care organizations may need to be more flexible regarding retaining and hiring physicians who want to work part time.
For additional information regarding developing a transition plan and the opportunity to earn CME, read “Situation Leadership and Its Role in Transition Planning,” a recent episode of Converge on PAMED’s website.